Our Training & Consulting
Unlocking Potential, Delivering Results
Business Execs, Leaders & Owners

Working with Mindologists brings professional you the right level of Performance Support, straight to your workplace.
Despite our best efforts, as individuals, as humans; we can never separate ourselves from ourselves. We cannot just put life down like a bag, just because we've turned up to work. It's not that simple, but nor does it need to be complex.
We take the complexity out of your Mindset and Performance needs and provide training and guidance to develop high flying careers and soaring businesses.
Performance improvement no longer needs to be a cost on the bottom-line; invest wisely and unlock your true potential to deliver improved results individually or as a collective business; we have the power and know-how.
With our kit-bag you can be confident that you are working with a unique blend of the most modern and alternative support tools available in the market. All of our Mindologists have at least 10+ years training and experience in strategy and business, moreover they are additionally certified in NLP, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Nutrition, EMDR, EFT, Reiki and Acupressure to ensure their support enables a whole-system approach to your behaviours, feelings and performance.
Book a FREE consultation to discuss your needs.
Sports Amateurs, Professionals & Teams
If you've got the skills and talent to play your sport, we've got the toolkit to get your mindset focussed and strong.
Working with a Mindologists is a service like no other. When it's just you and the club, bat, ball, ring or whatever your sporting field the one thing that's always with you is your mind; and all those thoughts you wish you could unhear or control.
Our single goal is to bring help you develop a mindset that's as strong as your A-game. We teach you how to get out of your own way and how to keep it all together when you need it most.
We can't develop your talent, we're not that type of coach but we can strengthen your mind to ultimately help you reach your fullest potential and get you winning again and again.
This isn't Positive Mental Attitude (PMA), it's so much more - it's helping you learn how to interrupt your own mind and learn how to quieten it, when you need it to support you the most.

We provide single fixed issue sessions both remotely using Zoom or at your club with our mobile support unit. We also have a bespoke programme of training to help you conquer your mind. Our approach and interventions are a blend of psychology tools including NLP, Hypno and EMDR along with ancient alternative methods such as Acupressure, Reiki and Aromatherapy all aimed at helping you clear mental blockages and pathways to get your best performance back on track.
We offer coaching on a 1-2-1 and 1-team basis. Our services include fixed 3 month programmes, single one of sessions and for our Pro's monthly retainer support packages.
Watch the results speak for themselves. Book an initial FREE 30 minute consultation to learn how we can help.