This is a great article written by Jim Bright in 2018. It’s worth a thought as we face unprecedented times in the workplace, across the globe, impacting everyone wherever they are on their career ladder.
As he states “the positive role work can play in a person‘s life is too frequently taken for granted until work is taken away“. In the midst of the Covid-19 response, many are being asked to work from home, voluntarily take time off and some given full notice. Projects and recruitment are increasingly on hold as business leaders and educators do their best to reduce the outbreak.
“One of the main contributing factors to psychological illness is a person‘s relationship to work”. Jim Bright, The Sydney Morning Herald
As money takes the lead, our decision makers need full awareness of the impacts from remote working, project cancellations and shut downs.
What steps have your organisations taken to support your psychological well-being & career? We’d love to know and share.
Here’s Jim’s full article
Stay safe, stay kind, DJ